Gerencie sua coleção de fotos com o Piwigo

Piwigo é um software de galeria de fotos de código aberto para a web. Projetado para organizações e indivíduos.

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versão 14.4.0 3 semanas atrás

Piwigo 14.4.0 3 semanas atrás

Última atividade 6 horas atrás

Milhares de organizações e milhões de pessoas adoram usar o Piwigo

Por que escolher o Piwigo?

Volume Alto

Piwigo brilha quando se trata de classificar milhares ou mesmo centenas de milhares de fotos.


Nascido em 2002, o Piwigo tem apoiado seus usuários há mais de 22 anos. Sempre evoluindo!

Código Aberto

O código-fonte está disponível, editável, auditavel e extensível graças a plugins e temas.

Belas galerias de fotos criadas com Piwigo

Ville d’Arles
Robert Miller
Office de Tourisme Digne Les Bains

Eles amam Piwigo


I needed a platform to show pictures of my knives that doesn't need a lot of maintenance and its configurable. Piwigo was the best solution I found. I was able to customize it so its easy to navigate on the desktop and mobile. The 3rd party plugin repository enables a lot of nice things to be done so the site looks even better.

Pablo E. Untroib, PEU Knives

Empresas Argentina

When we had to change the university's existing photo library solution in a hurry, Piwigo seemed a good compromise. We needed a solution that was quick and easy to set up, enabling us to technically manage a large image database with indexing, metadata management and search capabilities akin to an EDM or DAM solution, a real publishing and sharing interface with access rights management, operational interfacing with the school's information system and seamless integration into my Lightroom workflow. After two years, Piwigo has given us a great deal of satisfaction, far beyond the transitional solution we expected. Although the DAM functions still need to be enhanced, the flexibility provided by the customization and plug-in system and the open source development mode make it a scalable, adaptable and robust solution, capable of elegantly covering the essentials.

Pascal Levy, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Educação e pesquisa France

I looked at all the photo servers and Piwigo remained. Easy to use and full of practical extensions. Highly recommended!


Fotógrafos e indivíduos Netherlands

Piwigo is most easiest online photo gallery and lot's of features available. With amazing user interface and user level access is what i been searching and its the most suitable for my needs. Piwigo is easy to install and maintain and with lots of plugins to customize for a gallery needs. The mobile site are great and easy to navigate. Good Job Piwigo Team! Keep on going!

Thanabalan Tharuman

Fotógrafos e indivíduos Malaysia

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