Gerencie sua coleção de fotos com o Piwigo

Piwigo é um software de galeria de fotos de código aberto para a web. Projetado para organizações e indivíduos.

Obtenha o Piwigo

baixar ouhospedagem nas nuvens

versão 14.5.0 3 meses atrás

Piwigo 15.0.0RC1, almost there 3 semanas atrás

Última atividade 10 horas atrás

Milhares de organizações e milhões de pessoas adoram usar o Piwigo

Por que escolher o Piwigo?

Volume Alto

Piwigo brilha quando se trata de classificar milhares ou mesmo centenas de milhares de fotos.


Nascido em 2002, o Piwigo tem apoiado seus usuários há mais de 22 anos. Sempre evoluindo!

Código Aberto

O código-fonte está disponível, editável, auditavel e extensível graças a plugins e temas.

Belas galerias de fotos criadas com Piwigo

NOWinBRAIN - Nowinski Brain Image Gallery
Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne
Groupe des Ecoles Nationales d'Economique et Statistique
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon

Eles amam Piwigo


After using many so called photography specific web hosts over the years, I could never find one with software that worked how I wanted it, always how they wanted it. Then I chanced on Piwigo one day, and created our family website of 4,000 photos. Next I created my own Piwigo website, with my 50 years of photographs in mind. What a joy! Piwigo is the three 'P's - Powerful, a Pleasure to use, and Pleasing to the eye. Thank-you Piwigo Team!

Richard Histon

Fotógrafos e indivíduos United Kingdom

We use Piwigo cause it is the easiest to use and fast and reliable open source picture management software we found. With Piwigo we can easy share product pictures with our customers. Also our photographs can upload pictures for us.


Empresas Germany

I've been managing an album with sub-albums containing almost 5,000 photos for an association: it's top-notch! I used to use Google Picasa... Piwigo's operation and administration are much nicer, more interesting, customizable and clear! I have no regrets about choosing the Piwigo solution! Thanks for all your hard work!

Jean-Daniel Gonon

Sem fins lucrativos France

We have been using Piwigo since 2011 and we are fully satisfied with it. Piwigo really meets our needs, especially thanks to the fine management of user permissions, because we are 30 people using the tool. I also appreciate the ease of use, the quality of the support, and the fact that it is an open source product, which was for us a choice criterion.

Stéphanie Corfec, Agence D’Urbanisme Brest Bretagne

Setor público France

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